Special Winder
In addition to our wide range of winding machines for various applications, we have realized numerous special winders. We also respond individually to your special application.
Unwinding creel carbon fibers
This unwind creel for carbon fiber spools was specially made according to customer's requirements.
bushing winder
Winders for the production of bushings up to 1100 kV for the high voltage range
Insulation mat winding machine
Winders for glass wool insulation including a banding unit for the finished wound rolls.
Laying winder for narrow strip
winder for dimpled sheet
Winder for dimpled sheets and drainage material with slitters and fully automatic banding devices, suitable for sheets up to 4,600 mm
winder for switch rods
Winding machine for glass fabric for the production of preliminary products for high voltage switch rods.
Aggregates and accessories for winding
We realize YOUR project!
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