Dyeing machine Pad Steam
Our OPTIDYE WF is a pad-steam dyeing plant for woven fabrics, which stands for high production capacities with excellent fabric quality. Core elements of the dyeing plant are the dyeing padder OPTICOLOUR with original ANDRITZ KÜSTERS S-Rolls, the dyeing steamer OPTISTEAM with integrated steam saturator and the roller skid washing units OPTIWASH. The combination of Ø 200 mm guide rolls and supporting top roll drives ensures gentle and crease-free fabric run throughout the entire line even for your finest and most sensitive fabric qualities.
In Kombination mit dem Prozessleitsystem und der automatischen Dosieranlage OPTIDOS können Sie auch kurze Partiewechselzeiten realisieren. Ein integrierter Dampfsättiger gegen Überhitzung und eine PLEVA Dampfkontrolle für eine luftfreie Atmosphäre garantieren 100% gesättigten Dampf. Daraus resultieren hohe Fixierraten und reproduzierbare Färbeergebnisse des OPTISTEAM-Färbedämpfers.
Combined with our modular ENERGYSAVE system with temperature-controlled wastewater management and coil heat exchangers, you can reduce heat energy demand by up to 75 %. Both factors increase the efficiency of the overall plant by reducing ongoing production costs.
Our product range offers individual solutions for dyeing cotton or viscose with reactive dyes according to the KKV process for knitted and woven fabrics as well as complex pad steam dyeing systems for dyeing workwear, trouser fabrics or denim with vat dyes or sulfur dyes.
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